God asks each President what he Believes in

Trump's the only honest President

Imagine if just for a moment that all our former Presidents go to heaven and meet God. I know it's a stretch thinking these guys might actually get there; But just imagine it anyway.

Now imagine God asking each president what he Believes in.

George H. W. Bush being the internationalist that he was would respond: "I believe in World Peace".

Jimmy Carter, with all his human rights stuff, would respond: "I believe in Equality for all".

Ronald Reagan was all about Patriotism and would respond: "I believe in a Strong America".

Bill Clinton; Well let's just say he would respond: "I believe in Freedom for All".

George W Bush was of course Mister Capitalism and would respond: "I believe in a Free Market".

Barack Obama was a community organizer and would respond: "I believe in Helping the Poor".

That brings us to Donald Trump. If Trump went to heaven and met God, he would surely look him right in the eyes and say: "I believe you're sitting in My Chair"!